Building Bitzer part 8
This interesting little gizmo is a Clicker. That’s my official name for it.
dakhur tore down a rattling toy gun, and a couple of non-functioning toy cars to build this nifty little device.
It’s up to me to figure out how to make it work. And I have the gear-sense of a dead whelk. I have gears, thanks to a secret cache of asthma medication thingies [I know, so technical] and only the vaguest of ideas on how to proceed.
The outside gear turns clockwise when I’ll be cranking counter-clockwise. Just to add to the fun.
So far my ideas include having some sort of rotating cam to pull the trigger for me or getting hold of a gear-and-things toy and repeatedly fiddling it to death until something works.
Hints and tips welcome.
Side view

The interesting bits.