Hey everyone, we're trying something called Thunderclap, which lets our supporters donate a little slice of their social media power to us when we launch our Kickstarter. When the Kickstarter goes live, Thunderclap will send out a one-time message about it on all the accounts who agreed to support Aberford, making a big wave across social media.
It's a great way generate some buzz about the game, especially for those of you who might be asleep, working, or at school when the Kickstarter launches. It also gives us an idea of our social reach, which is an indicator of whether the Kickstarter will succeed or fail.
So please follow the link and pledge your support. We'd really appreciate it! (Note: this is NOT the Aberford Kickstarter itself. This is a tool for helping promote the Kickstarter, which is also very important)
... This is a really cool concept (assuming it's coming from a source you trust). Signed up and good luck!
Hey, thank you for getting the ball rolling! Our goal is 250 pledges, and we're already at 25% of the way there in about 30 minutes!
I seriously thought this was the Kickstarter and shrieked before realising it wasn't. *grumble* Pledged support and looking forward to it!
Awww, sorry for the burst of disappointment, but I'm glad you were excited. I know it feel like forever, but the Kickstarter is coming and as you can see from the updates, it'll be worth the wait.
Also, we're at 80% on the Thunderclap with a projected 100K reach. That's amazing!
It's like the Walking Dead meets a 1950's sitcom. Pretty cool.
We hit our pledge goal in a little under 4 hours thanks to all of you (We're at 256 now). If we keep this up, the Aberford Kickstarter could open to an audience of 1 million people or more!