Sometimes, I Dispair.

There are times when the human race amazes me. There are also times, like this morning, when I just want to leave the race and sit on the sidelines until all this unholy malarkey is good and over with.

People elected Obama in the hopes that he would be able to fix things. Then the people woke up and realised every last politician has been sold to corporations. Now we expect a politician [sold to the highest bidder] to fix things? Um. He can’t. Sorry. He’s legally owned by the corporations who paid for his campaign. He has to do what they tell him to.

Especially when that means not saying a word or doing a thing about the actual problem - the corporations who bought him.

Is anyone getting the irony that corporate greed essentially put a slave into the white house? And they’ve been doing it for years, not just with Obama. Black, white, brindle, male or female… whoever the POTUS is, if they are funded into office by corporations, they are a slave to corporations.

You are bought and sold, America.

You should be angry.

Right-wingers should be angry at the establishment because corporate-endorsed bully-boys have abused at least one pregnant woman and caused the baby to miscarry. According to your own abortion-is-wrong gospel, those police officers are as good -or bad- as murderers. You should also be angry because corporations are the worst kinds of welfare cheats. They own most of the country, they earn most of the wealth, yet they pay no taxes and get massive handouts from the government teat! That’s got to be worse than thousands of welfare mothers. Come on!

Left-wingers who somehow don’t support the occupy movement [statistically, they must exist] should be angry because the very rights America was founded on are being routinely ground into the dirt. They destroyed books in those camp raids. They deliberately smashed computers in a vain attempt to silence the people. You have a right to be as mad as hell! Stand up!

Anyone who is not rich and somehow believes this is not their problem because they’re “getting along okay” is only doing so because it’s just a matter of time before some company decides to fuck them over. If you don’t do something now, the corporations will have bought the right to do so. If you honestly believe that playing by the rules gets you ahead, then why are you not as wealthy as your corporate overlords? Blame yourself? Why not? That’s what the corporations keep telling you to do.

Gotta do what Massuh tells you.

Yes, I just did the race card. Yes, I just called you a slave. No, I don’t care what colour you are. No, I don’t care how you worked your ass off to fulfil your American Dream.

The people who own your rights are changing the rules of the game. They are cheating. They are buying your voice and freedoms and stealing justice from all around you and you apparently don’t give a shit because you’re “doing okay”.


The only thing America can really do at this stage in the game is this:

Stop. Feeding. The Beast.

Don’t use your credit card. Hell, pay off your credit card and leave a little extra in there. That really annoys them. Move your money to a credit union. Make gifts for this Yule season. Spend your time. Use your love. Make an effort

It’s the last thing they expect from you.

It’s the last thing they want.

Starve the Beast.

Stop giving them your hard-earned money and start valuing yourself.

Perhaps, together, America can buy its freedom back.

It’s my only hope.