Problem is, it was likely (to him) a legitimate question. Like any movement, feminism has attracted extremists who work under the good name...

Yes, there are bad feminists. There are racist feminists and trans-exclusionary feminists. There are vocal minorities of all flavours.

Including the Rancid-MRA set who blame women for the social troubles caused by the existing patriarchy.

It seems to me that the real problem is that some men won’t take a step back and realise how much they have in comparison to what the others don’t.

I’ll put my hand up at wanting to see a few ‘bad types’ squirm. I’m no saint and I don’t think I want to be. The point remains that, until equal pay/education/opportunities are available for all people, we can’t and won’t be equal.

…and until then, Anon, you can’t really kick up a stink about those who are lashing out from the corner they’ve been backed into.

For instance: In the last fifty years (to the best of my knowledge)…

  • Number of feminist rights activists who have blown up or shot at people: 0

  • Number of POC rights activists who have blown up or shot at people: 0

  • Number of LGBTIAQ rights activists who have blown up or shot at people: 0

  • Number of WASP-type men who have blown up or shot at people: er… most of them.

Obviously, there is a marked difference between saying something ‘misandrist’ or ‘reverse racist’ or ‘straight-phobic’ and being a privileged white male who doesn’t apparently like the idea that the playing field is starting to get a little more level…

Take that as you may. I have no doubt you will anyway.