Ko-fi donationsBuy Me a Coffee

Odd things found in ethnic grocery stores.

FYI - I’m still OK in the middle of the superstorm hitting East Australia right now. Hatches battened down well.


“…don’t know why I keep getting dragged into this…” mumbled Rael.

“I cannae resist the melodious sound of yer bitchin’,” said Shayde. She had a hessian shopping bag and was currently picking through sunglasses. Looking for some that fit her huge, bioluminescent eyes. She found a pair in a violent shade of violet, and put them on. “Whaddaya think? Beach Chic?”

“They look ludicrous.”

“Ludicrous is better than blah. And I’m sick o’ black. Ye ken what black does on my skin.”

“It blends in,” recited Rael.

“Aye, and the whole point of accessories is to be seen.”

“You could always put it in your hair.”

Shayde, whose hair could best be described as ‘smoke-coloured’, glared at him. “Just tell me if they’re anythin’ tae do with anyone’s matin’ season.”

“Um. No. Those are aimed at children.”

Shayde squealed and dug through the bin for more of them.

Hmmm. Pattern ductape…

“Ey up. What’s this then?”

Shayde proudly held aloft a perplexing object with funnels and screws and a crank handle. She gave the handle an experimental twist. “I cannae ken what ye’d stick in that…”

Rael went silver with shock. “That'safertilityaidputitback.”

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