I saw this Cracked article on Tumblr, and thought it was right up your alley. I can't post links in these ask boxes, but try Googling for...

I’m regretting counting this as a prompt, now.

Linkie here.

And I can’t really turn this into a story without setting up an obvious strawman to take pot-shots at. And in the wake of the Reddit Raid, I’d rather not make some touchy types aim a DDOS nuke at my poor ageing compy.

…besides, I agree with practically everything in that article…

So I’ll take on another argument I saw in another post.

“‘Not all men’ should be be 'might as well be all men’,” sounds bad when you substitute other groups for 'men’. There’s a comic I’ve seen around on the subject claiming that feminists can’t counteract that one.

I’m going to have a go.

Statistics and numbers make that particular argument a fallacy. One in ten men will admit to being rapists if you avoid using the word 'rape’. That’s ten percent of men. You would not enter a lottery in which there was a one in ten chance you would 'win’ a brutal and violent death, would you? You wouldn’t dip into a bowl of skittles or M&Ms if one tenth of them contained arsenic instead of delicious sugary goodness. [And time and time again, women are blamed and called “stupid bitch” for daring to trust her rapist by the same men who say 'not all men’. But that’s another argument.]

Now let’s look at the 'racist’ argument… “Not all POC’s(etc)”. That’s a bad argument because statistics are on the POC’s side. The rates of crime in POC populations are MASSIVELY lower than the rates of crime in white populations. And as for violent crime, again, the whites come out as worse aggressors. Yet our racist society insists on convicting the POC in much larger proportions than the white criminals. It perpetuates the myth that POC are more violent and and prone to violence when the opposite is factually true. Therefore, “Not all POC are criminals” is a true statement and doesn’t need to be expanded to the entire group.

The same holds true with “Not all Muslims are terrorists”. The terrorist-to-Muslim ratio is something like one in one astronomically large number. Yet we believe innately that terrorists are exclusively non-white and non-christian. Why? Because terrorist action from Muslim extremists is played up and touted loud and proud… while the more numerous violence from straight white christians is downplayed as mental illness. [And the hue and cry about better mental health care is strangely conspicuous by its absence…]

And while we’re on the topic… the number of proven mental illnesses in relation to violent crime remains at an unproven minimum of This One Guy One Time.

The statistical evidence supports women trusting mentally ill Muslim POCs better than they can trust a straight, sane, white Christian man.

And I fully expect an inbox full of straight white male anger because of this point. Yet they call women 'too emotional’.