Pseuducku: Origins

It all began in the Before Times (2019) during a discussion with my mother. As an octogenarian, she's frightened of technology and loath to go near anything new and strange.

She mentioned that lots of people recommend Sudoku to maintain brain health, but she doesn't want to do it because she's bad at math.

I love my Mum dearly, but sometimes she comes out with stuff like this that really makes me want to scream into a pillow.

Try though I might, I could not convince Mum that there's no math in Sudoku. So I'm going the other route: make a Sudoku-style game that's ludicrously friendly and also gradually teaches people this.

So I thought up an easy, domestic creature to draw, and came up with the idea for Pseuducku: The Puzzle Game for People Who Want to Duck the Math.

It's love to the point of invention, at this point. Alternately waiting for a better programmer [referred to as Beloved on my blog] to help me make it a reality and looking into ways to do it myself.

Alas, I have the programming skills of a concussed whelk. As well as the skill retention abilities of the same.

Therefore, the plan is to release versions of Pseuducku as I pass through the lessons on how to make a thing in Stencyl. New versions will be announced on my blog.