First up, some good news.
- I didn't need a coffee at all yesterday
- Now that I'm on Ashwagandha, I am sleeping the night
- I have discovered BetaBooks, which is an online facility so that authors can keep tabs on their beta readers.
I hope to get a stable of them eventually, but for now, the only one I count is the only one I can rely on - MeMum
I shall gather others. Leave an encoded email in the replies if you're interested.
Other good news - my cyclone migraine has finally cleared and we're going strawberry picking today. BYO buckets.
It's a matter of time until the family wakes up, so if I want this instant done before noon, I'd better shake it.
[Oh yeah - also a sugarfree, dairy free "ice cream" exists and it is tasty as hell and the salted caramel has less carbs in it than the vanilla. IDK what bizarro universe I just entered, but I ain't leaving]