Wednesday, Wordpress, and Merch Maybe?
I have some Thoughts about the latest bout of Transphobic Stupidity. So that's today's Content Challenge dealt with. I will be ranting. I may be frothing at the mouth.
I am pissed. Be warned.
Beloved has some Badge Making Stuff, which she is using to create some pride pins for her work. Huzzah.
I might wrangle my way into making some Merch Pins for loyal followers or peeps wanting to support me by purchasing merch. I have two symbols and a bunch of ideas. Let's GOOOOOO!
But of course it all depends on whether or not there's a market. I have a very quiet fandom.
Also in my PLNs are:
- At least one chamber in TaleSpire
- At least one article in Alfarell
- Perhaps finish the chapter of Devil's Tale I'm writing
Beloved and I have Together Time scheduled for sometime today. Whatever fun we have will probably include Unsuitable Food.