Wednesday, Run-Around and Forget-A-Lot

I wuzgunna post my Patreon shit on Monday, and then I forgot. I wuzgunna catch up, yesterday. Then I forgot. I hope to get my Patreon stuff posted today.


  • I'm driving Mayhem to work, all things being good
  • I need to do a grocery run
  • I have a dentist's appointment
  • And terribad asthma
  • AND I'm baking bread today

I have over-extended so everything offering-oriented will be happening at a weird pace.

I'm doing my stretchies and will post this blog after I find out if Mayhem is sick again.

Today... I am learning how to make a game by fuckin' around and finding out. Maybe. I got in contact with the gamemaker discord so I have ready access to experts. I shall be writing half a chapter during Hurry-up-and-wait.

Wish me luck. I think I might need it.