Wednesday, Rant Day and Crowded Schedule Once More

It's just after Midday and I just got back from my shenanigans today. Mayhem's over his tummy bug and hoping he doesn't get sick again. Lad used to be proud of his ability to not get sick, but it turns out that it was mostly due to not leaving his room too often.

Lad needs to get his flu shots and look after himself a little better. BUT he also needs to come to that realisation himself because he just won't firkin listen to good advice.

On the plus side, I now have L plates so he can legally get his hours up driving to and from work. Yay, I guess?

Now all we need to do is get him some drivers' lessons so he can pass the test on the first go. All the better to have a proper license. And then we can fret about getting him a car.


I'll focus on mt everyday offerings and then fret about what I'm going to share on my blog later.

Hocus pocus, I need to focus.