Tuesday, Moving Patreon Day

I am deliberately not posting on Patreon today. Because henceforth, Tuesday is one of the days that will be shared with Beloved.

I shall try shifting it to Wednesday, that being the one day that I will have minimum time for myself. So today and tomorrow will be minimum side-project days.

I tried and failed to follow the instructions for installing the Linux version of Stencyl. Once I get that going, I'm going to attempt making Pseuducku for realsies.

I have resources. I have to make a few other assets, but I think I can at least make a start on the four-square version of the game.

The nine-square variant and the numeral replacement stages might have to wait a while. But I need better instructions first.

Apparently, the instructions for installing Stencyl were written in 2016. Dang close to eight years and many software updates ago.

I have gluck in one ear and associated hearing difficulty. I tried hosing out the ear canal

Onwards to the offerings.