Tuesday, Bread and Embuggerances

I was almost home from dropping Mayhem off in the far north worklands when I got a phone call. He actually had today off. Whee fun. So I had to pause my bread process [Wilson was growing in the incubator] and turn around to go and fetch the lad.

Good news - I can now not worry about bread timing.

Bad news - I'll still have to do that tomorrow

And I still gotta restock on a few things. They're a very few things, but I still gotta go out to place and get thing.

I can likely do the grocery run tomorrow, while the dough is still in the fridge.

I have tutorials for GameMaker, so I shall be fiddling about with it in between dough stretches. Fingers crossed, I get something operable this week.

Which means I really should work on the Pseuducku pages real soon now.

And I'm also overdue in posting my Patreon stuff so getting on with that is also on my schedule.

I am a busy busy bean.