T'reka just wanted to learn. Unfortunately for her, her entire species views scientific thinking as a form of insanity. And when she wants...

T'reka just wanted to learn. Unfortunately for her, her entire species

views scientific thinking as a form of insanity. And when she wants to

learn all about the various venomous, poisonous, and outright deadly

life forms on a land mass named Toxic Island, you can almost see why.

Little did she know that when she committed her life to the study of

this strange and hostile land, there was already a colony of monsters

setting up housekeeping. Now she’s face-to-face with the most dangerous

life form in the known universe, and desperately trying to forge peace

with the horrible creatures twice her size and four times her weight!

They call themselves… HUMANS! [We’re mostly harmless, we swear.]

It’s been called the best First Contact novel that readers have ever enjoyed.

It contains scientifically plausible avian aliens, accurate scientific advances, and humans who are determined to literally make a better world for themselves.

And lots of other cool stuff, besides.

Yours to own for the low, low price of $2.99USD at Smashwords! Buy it now!