Sunday, Tale Foundry and stream plns
Tale Foundry is doing its thing. I just finished making a lot of maps, and cussing about DungeonDraft crashing like a bitch.
Lots of Frustrate, this morning.
Beloved is coming home sometime today, so if I am streaming when she does, I may be understandably distracted.
I also have a loud as FUCK keyboard that is going to be a lot of tikkatakka noise on my stream. Sorry to the ASMR enthusiasts who may tune in.
Be prepared.
Chapter Count: About to commence putting words into chapter 284. It's going to be a quadrilogy.
I probably won't write more of it today. Today is a day for naps, cuddles, or a combination of the twain.
...after the story of course.
I need to make sure of the prompt and, if possible, launch into plotting my entry for next week.
It's a thing I like to do.
Story soon. Interruptions depending.