Sunday, Outages, Rain, and Wind
Intermittent power availability, strong winds, heavy rains. Typical of a once-cyclone, now-tropical-storm.
We still can't go out for supplies because hazardous weather.
Adorable, Beloved, and their fam are about to get flooded thanks to the rain. Now that communication's restored between MeMum and I, the worry has transferred to them.
At least we can send messages to each other.
The good news is that they have plns. The worrying news is that they're cool with a lot more things than I am.
Brawk brawk, chook chook chook...
I aim to get the offerings done and maybe a little bit in the novel. The rest is up in the air.
If the power goes out, I have a hand-bound writing pad I made out of butcher's paper and sewing thread. I can soothe my chronic need to write with that.
I'd best get rattling ere all goes dark. Again.