Sunday, Lurgi, and Bread
I was doing all right until about 2PM yesterday. That's when my nose started running like a tap and my throat started hurting like I'd been gargling thorns.
I am not a happy camper.
Mayhem's making a sorta-chicken soup with available materials when I wanted to venture out and get things. It's probably a good idea to stay in and keep up on my fluids.
I'm either overheating or freezing. My head's full of fog, and I am currently in terror of my nose running when my hands are full.
...and I still have bread to bake. Fun times ahead.
I have to wait for soup to be done before I set up for the bread proofing. I did NOT anticipate being struck this low when I began.
Mayhem's going to help with the bread, but it's going to take a while. I might have to split my bakes between days. We shall see.
Offerings soon. I hope.