Sunday, Game Night and Shenanigans
I now possess all the things necessary to make the new bread cutter guide thing. Now all I need is the time and the energy to put it together. I have half the buttons added to GameMaker and I'm about to add the rest into the system.
Then I study up about heritable stuff. Groups and subgroups if available.
Since little enough time is left in today, I think the programming stuff may happen tomorrow. Between bread folding sessions.
Oh yeah. I'm due to make some bread RSN.
And at some point in the not-too-distant future, I need to re-improvise my improvised phone holder. With proper tools and other bits and bobs that are also waiting for the time and energy to do stuff.
I may even take photos for the Patrons.
But that's not happening today. Today I'm making my offerings and importing the rest of my assets into GameMaker.