Seen in another fic (take two)

Sorry, ignore the last one. Here’s the full prompt, with some details changed from the original:

“Well, Sir, where there’s living there’s crime, as my grandfather the Detective Superintendent always used to say. You know [this station] has more than her fair share of it, though.”

“Your grandfather was a fairly senior cop. No doubt you started learning your disrespect for the law at an early age,” [new station commander] commented.

“He did a stint in Internal Affairs, sir. He also said, when there’s a lot of crime, the police are underfunded; when there’s too much, the police are lazy; when there’s far too much, they’re complicit,” [senior enlisted on loan] said.

‘Exactly the sort of logic I would expect from the maniac who disabled the suppression system, glued a chemical detector tuned for [drugs] on the wall, and threw an incendiary grenade into one of the Regulatory Branch store complexes,’ [station commander] said.

‘In that case, [Commander], you should be happy. Someone else in this can must have reasoning skills,’ [enlisted on loan] deadpanned. ‘Besides which, the detector came up with half a dozen different positives. Or so I heard.’

Again, if it makes it easier, just use the bit about police status. – RecklessPrudence


[AN: It is now very obvious that I don’t read many of my prompts before I get started on the story…]

The Commander glared at the enlisted Constable. “Nine, to be precise. It’s the only reason you still have your badge. Nine out of fifteen Regulatory Branch employees were smuggling narcotics out of Evidence for various purposes.”

“And a further five were so deep in their gambling debts that they were considering it. Of those, three have been scared straight. Say what you will about my methods, sir, but I get results.”

“Results that do not always coincide with your case file,” the commander noted.

“My case file is generally dull, sir. I tend to get distracted, looking for things of interest.”

“Hmn,” said the Commander. “And central sent you to me, for my sins.”

“I doubt it, sir. They tend to send me to places for other people’s sins.”

The Commander sighed. Minos Station did have far too much crime and the Constable was just the human to sort it out. “Do let me know when you find it. I’ll make it part of your case file.”

The Constable grinned. “Thankyou sir. I’ll endeavor to make you proud.”

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