Saturday, No Parkrun, No Stream PLNs

The post-jab ickies have allowed a minor gastro bug to move in. Huzzah. Not.

So no parkrun for me. No parkrun for the QPP either, since Beloved still has the same tummy bug. Yay. Not.

Aaaannnnd OBS' horseshit is still a mystery to all of us so the game PLNs for early-early tomorrow are off. Woot. Not.

It's been win, win, win over here in Casa Del Nutter. [/sarcasm]

I let myself enjoy a conciliatory Inflatable Pie, and I will be right on with my offerings very soon.

Thanks to advice from the interwebs, I may finally be exploring the writer corners of Reddit. Not today, though.

Today, I fight weariness, nausea, and a small degree of burnout.

Let's get on with that.