More tales from the Scooter Conspiracy?


“Is there any actual way to make them stop?”

Sara looked up from her careful work. Designing a shatter-proof karate tree. There was lots of maths and tables of data. “Who happened this time?”

“It was a group effort,” said Mr Summers. “I have seen more creative teamwork from my students on your behalf than I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“What. Did they. Do?”

Sigh. “A live performance of _Pink Elephants_ outside my door at the butt-crack of dawn. With holograms, care of the light-benders.”

“I didn’t know this school had a choir…”

“…not before today, we didn’t…”

“Same with the band?”

“Ohyeah. We never had a band, before, either.”

Sara did not react as a normal person - even ‘normal for Xavier’s’ - would. She reached for another notebook and began jotting things down. “Motivational factors in an antagonistic environment, taking into account pre-existing skills…” Some mumbling. The stuff on the pages looked like an ungodly hybrid of shorthand, calculus and sanskrit. “This will give me something to ponder in the wee small hours.”

“You’re-welcome-I-think,” he grated. “How do I get them all pointed in the right direction?”

“Define 'the right direction’ before you start. Your definition and theirs may vary.” More scribblings in the notepad.

Scott decided he’d worry if he heard her muttering anything Lovecraftian. “I want this much creativity when it comes to helping the world. Or at least as many people as they can manage. It’s amazing to see the lengths they go to, but–”

“It’s not so nice being the target?”

“Well… no.”

“I’ve done my homework on you Mr Summers.”

_Uh oh._

“I’d have thought you’d be more amenable to the idea of salvaging broken people.”

“There’s broken and then there’s complete write-offs…”

Sara gave him an old, old look. “Like a theif who, once they attained their power, defrauded an entire country by selling herself as a weather goddess?”

Ororo. “Uh.”

“Or a juvenile delinquent who killed his quote-unquote caregiver?”

Himself. “Um.”

“Or a little girl who caused gross property damage?”


“Or a homeless wanderer who was under the thrall of an evil, evil man?”

Wait. That didn’t match any– Wait! “Are you talking about Kurt or…?”

Sara gave him a Mona Lisa smile. “Think about it. Let me know when you see with new eyes.”

_I’m supposed to be the teacher here. How is it that this kid keeps schooling me?_

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