Monday, Unriddling Sickness, and shopping PLNs

Mayhem's certain that there's something in his room making him sick, so he's spending his sick days eliminating causes. Starting with the collections of fast food containers that have been breeding in dark corners.

I also suggested air circulation might help, so we're seeing how well that goes.

Meanwhile, I am still having Bad Air Days and that sucks. I also have to do some shopping, which will probably happen tomorrow. With all good luck, my stream will be occurring in time. I hope I won't need Max again by the time the stream rolls around.

Overdose tremula and pins and needles. This is one fuck of a Bad Air Day.

The backup reads are done, I'm distracted by fanfic crack, and I am going to learn how to handle a new game-making engine today. Huzzah!

Let's get on with getting on with nonsense.