Monday, the Shenanigans Continueth

Oh boy howdy do I like to pile on the horseshit. Because scheduling stuff, I'm attempting to do my daily offerings whilst roaming. Driving Mayhem to work and turning around when home or almost home is a frustration. It's actually more sensible to hang out at his destination until he's good to go home. Bit of a pain in the butt, but not as painful as spending three to four hours constantly on the road.

Plus I have shopping that needs must be done today, because TOMORROW, I'm off to MeMum's to help her with some printer issues. My betting dollar is on, "can't find where to click," which is very easy to happen when those things are pinhead sized. Or relocated to a new residence.

In order to cram in the nonsense related to, (a) posting buttons, and (b) making another mock-up for aesthetic choices, I have a jiggery-pokery chain to wrangle.

  1. Download the buttons I uploaded to my GoogDrive from my old iPad Pro
  2. Make certain they're filed properly
  3. Copy them to a separate folder for resizing [because I post the originals over in Pseuducku's original art gallery]
  4. Post the originals
  5. Open the copies in a thing to resize them
  6. Recreate the mockup in GIMP, including the new options for program-placed birds
  7. Post when satisfied, and hope that I explain the purpose adequately
  8. And I have to do all that at home because that's the compy with all the relevant software.

So I'm squeezing what work I can do wherever the window happens to be. And hoping that I can accomplish it before I wear out.

The offerings will go live at my earliest convenience.