Monday. No stream today because death cough

I'm not dying, I'm just doing a very good impersonation of the last act of Camille or Carmen Buranda. I'm currently taking a dose on Max and I need to go shopping because the cats need more food.

Fun times ahead.

I thought I had more cat food than I do, so it's an emergency run for assorted things. So there's a significant chance I won't be back before stream time. Which is why no stream today.

I may do stream tomorrow. Circumstances depending.

Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season is kicking my butt. So bad that I'm on Max for a VERY long time and I'm getting an oxygen high.

...I'm also horking up chartreuse blobs. I'll be keeping an eye on them. If they get large or richer in hue, it's off to the quacks for some antibiotics.

In the meantime, I have to go off Keto so my body can fight the bloody thing in my lungs. Yay.

I'm offski on my tour. Wish me every luck.