Monday, Errands Ahoy

I don't have a story to share with the Archive today, and I need to get stuff and things at place. So therefore I am headed out to get all the things we need.

Might be a pinch, this week. Because I had to pay for my hair, because Beloved got an e-bike for the work commute. A necessary expenditure, true. But also a hecking expenditure. A needful dent in the wall of money between us and a true disaster.

I like my hair. I like that Beloved can get to work on a safer vehicle. I don't like the anxiety of feeding Patreon and the offerings the beast of the Temple of Notes. Of having enough to keep my audiences coming back for more.

Of having enough to feed my fam if something horrible happens next.

Three Bronx Cheers for late-stage capitalism and the slow terrors it wreaks upon us all. Hip. Hip. ::Raspberry noise::

I'm on the Nebuliser before I take off because Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season has NOT given me a break this year. If it carries on during summer, I may have to up my meds.

Fun times.

Further fun times because Mayhem's tummy bug allows me to experiment with Pseuducku. I shall attempt to export a game field. Or find out how to make and export a game field. Something of the ilk.

I have corked muscles in my calves that act up whenever I walk after sitting or lying down, and several places to go to and do thing.

Wish me luck. I may need it.