Monday, Configuring the Jiggery-pokery

There's a certain illogic to what I'm doing on Mayhem's work days. It works very well in theory, but the practice leaves something wanting.

The problem: I would normally spend four hours just driving hither and thither to get Mayhem to work and then back again.

The wrinkle: He can apply for early time off now that they don't need him, since the rush season has petered off.

The solution: He applies for early time off [E-Time] whilst I enjoy breakfast and create a fiction for my daily expectations. Theoretically, he gets to go home and it's only two hours on the road. Efficient, effective, and economical.

What actually happens is that after the allotted time runs out, he's still at work and I go home. Then I either get the call halfway back or I don't get it until I'm elbows-deep in other shenanigans.

Life is complicated.

And doing this on Monday means I miss out on the Archive's backup readings.

Anyway... Looking for better solutions until Mayhem learns to drive himself is appreciated, but public transit takes seven firkin hours.