Monday, Busy Bean

So here's my day, starting with last night, because sleep issues.

  • Needed white noise to fall asleep, it was super-effective
  • Woke up close to 6, got on with my PLNs to be ready for the doc
  • Fed the cats
  • Check my time versus Mayhem's work time
  • Detect conflict, shit a brick
  • Get Mayhem going for an early drop-off
  • Long drive #1
  • Head on down to inner Brisbane for special doc's
  • Long drive #2
  • Have to drive around thrice to get a park
  • Still arrive with lots of time
  • Made connection to another specialist but also got my prescription
  • On the way home, call from Mayhem. Because early drop-off, can go home early
  • Not even stopping, head up to collect Mayhem
  • Long Drive #3
  • Collect Mayhem, head homewards
  • His long drive this time
  • Collect meds and fuel
  • Home at last

And now I work as fast as I can to get my offerings out before further shenanigans this evening. Yay