Monday, Backup Reads and No Stream

Still trying to unfuck what the hell is going on with OBS and how to fix it. So far, my internet searching skills are failing me.

I feel terrible about everything going wrong. It's out of my control and I can't do a dang thing about it... BUT I also feel dumb because it's out of my control and I can't do a dang thing about it.

Further, I still need mental health time because burnout is a bitch and the firkin GUILT from needing the mental health time is... crushing at minimum.

I have to get over myself or I'll never get better. It'll be an endless cycle of guilt and mental health recuperation that inspires more guilt and necessity for mental health recuperation.

And that's enough iteration today.

I am taking time for myself. I need me in tip top working condition or nothing will get done.

Speaking of, since I currently can't stream, I shall be making my offerings real soon now.