modmad:Oh my god I did it. I made the thing.I'm still very new to this, so please be patient with me while I stumble around like a newborn...


Oh my god I did it. I made the thing.

I’m still very new to this, so please be patient with me while I stumble around like a newborn calf for a couple of weeks, but yes! Do you like TPoH? SKIP? Any of the random crap that I pour out onto your dashboard from time to time? Well you can help me make it! Extra goodies and very possibly much more time spend on drawing things you want me to are just a donation away! You can also find the link to my patreon on my home website in the top right section.

Can’t afford to support me? Don’t worry! I won’t be posting any less of my usual stuff for you! But please consider signal boosting with a reblog or by sharing it with your friends; every little helps, and who knows? Maybe one day I’ll be able to survive off drawing my stories for you guys!

Thanks for all your continued love and support, and here’s to the future!