Interesting Day
There's an apocryphal curse, May You Live in Interesting Times. It's been an interesting day already.
Starting with:
- Beloved home from work on a day off
- Mayhem home from school because exams
- Cleaning day
- Jolie figured out how to escape exile in the Catio
- Chaos and I had to chase her and chuck her out again
I've also learned that I need to launch in order to build anything in Roll20, so... I might not be building anything in Roll20... yet. I'll get that art program for my PC and fool around on that before I get further into Roll20.
Meanwhile, WorldAnvil has opened some possibilities for me, so I'll be doing a majority of the flavour text over in there.
I think I'm pretty good at flavour text.
My DFAW [daughter-from-across-the-water] has offered to do some arts for this thing, so now I need to figure out how to invite her into the creative process.
More fatwiddling ahoy, I have no doubt.
It's almost time for bus, so I shall commence said fatwiddling until Chaos is aboard her bus.