If you receive this, share five random facts about yourself, then pass it on to your 10 favorite followers. :
Five random facts
- My irises used to change colour according to my health levels. Yellowish healthy, green a bit crook, grey == stand by with the vomit bucket. They have long since settled near permanently into Muddy Tea with traces of hazel.
- I have cusp teeth on my upper canines.
- I dye my hair (Bright orange)
- I have conducted low-level scientific studies on myself.
- I have myopia so extreme that I can read the microprint on money.
Hm. Ten peeps to tag. shkspr1048, sprinklechickhen, necra98, weirdlet, mechanical-mustache, thefinespine, pandoraslittleblackbox, sigmacavalcadium, dasvanthefirstyearnecromancer, callmegallifreya