Friday, Shaking it off.
The entire house has Lurgi. Mayhem's got a stomach upset to go with the runny nose, clogged sinuses, and general lack of energy.
I'm... mostly okay. The head fog is terrible. It's like a sneak peek into living with dementia. Words have been escaping me, I've had to wait for the loading screen to get to 100% before I remember why I entered a room. I spent a majority of yesterday reminding myself to get petrol and then forgetting to do that.
It's concerning.
I have secured the ingredients necessary for my gift to everyone, but have decided to hold off until a bit closer to the actual holiday to bake them. So they remain fresh and tasty by the time of the actual day.
I shall also make certain that I have all the things necessary to make them pretty presents, too.
And hide under a rock for the next pay cycle because, despite my best efforts, I overspent yesterday.
At least we have enough supplies to help the entire family fight off this dratted bug. Including enough Shandy ingredients to last out a siege.