Friday, Preparations Ahoy

This afternoon, after I have Mayhem back home, I am packing my old rig in the boot. All the better to deliver to Adorable on the following morrow.

Tomorrow: I go on parkrun, enjoy brunch with the fam, deliver the tower, and then make my offerings before catching a slep. And THEN I might just be doing a D&D sesh as the DM in the wee smol NEXT morning.


Mayhem has PLNs to redecorate his entire dang room to suit himself and his needs better. Which means I have to take him around to at least look at furnishing alternatives.

Which has to be wedged between other engagements.

There's a hope, in the end, that I will find a way to have time for myself and my loved ones and freaking RELAX. And to seek some personal enjoyment.

It'll be a nice change.