Novlr is now in open beta just in time for NaNoWriMo
And they’re offering permanent memberships for “just” $100.
I don’t have enough to afford to scratch my butt.
Please, please, please, dear readers, put a little money in my paypal so I can afford a lifetime membership. [I have no idea how to link to a paypal “give me money” thing (help!) so my paypal email is nutty@internutter.org Thank you for not abusing this email address]
Thanks in advance for your kind donations.
It’s been 24 hours and I’m still just past two thirds of the way there. I doubt that there’s any of the places left in their offer. Stuff like this goes quick to those who can afford it.
To the kind person who did donate: Thank you so much. Please let me know if you want me to refund you.
I just checked the site and I have never been happier to state that these nice peeps still have spots!
There’s still a chance for me to get a lifetime membership to this wonderful web app.
Please send money via paypal to nutty@internutter.org
Thank you so very much, all you generous peeps.