Chaos Birthday!
On this day, fourteen years ago, a tiny new Human was surgically extracted from another Human and began a very interesting life. On this day, a pair of very bright eyes began assessing the world for chaos potential.
My little girl is fourteen, and we're having a feast day. I've already binged on chocolate :D I also sent her along with little chocolate cupcakes. We will be shopping for a birthday cake after she gets back from school, and going for a feast dinner for the evening.
Meanwhile, I shall finish of the 3K for this week, write your Instant, and the flash fanfic... and take Mayhem to the doctor's, and hope for something in the way of improvement.
I have to arrange for my own flu jabs. This bug is looking like a right nasty one, so getting vaccinated is a necessity. I don't want to wind up in hospital with something I could have prevented.
But first - content to provide.