Challenge #04448-L064: Completely Unsupervised Chaos

You can't control chaos, don't even try. So what makes you think you can control the humans? -- Anon Guest

The Humans, as always, have a song that fits... even if it only fits slightly. There's a hold-up in the Bronx/ Brooklyn's broken out in fights/ There's a traffic jam in Harlem that's backed up to Jackson Heights/ There's a scout troop short a child/ Khrushchev's due in Idlewild... The meaning's been lost to the centuries, but it does contain the moral - if anything can go wrong, it will do so in abundance.

The historical Human education method of one adult teaching twenty to thirty neophytes seems like more Human madness in retrospect.

These particular space pirates had discovered the downside of taking the adults hostage and threatening the children. Well. Several downsides, to be accurate. First among many being that children without adult supervision transform into little savages. Each trying to see what 'naughty things' they can get away with. Some escalate faster than others.

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