Challenge #04445-L061: Deathworlder Health and Maintenance
"Human, you said water boils at 100 degrees Fahrenheit?"
"And your fever is almost 102."
"Why are you not boiling in your on flesh?"
It feels like it, but our bodies are stronger than that, and it's what kills viruses the fastest. When it comes to kill or cure? Nothing beats our immune systems. -- Fighting Fit
Companion Kank boggled at the Ships' Human. "What did you do before advanced medical intervention?"
"Aw come on. I'm not in a lot of danger until I'm above a hundred and five. For this? We were doing pretty much what we're doing now. Keep up the fluids, get plenty of rest, and have someone monitoring the situation." Human Steev waved to Medik Brok, who rolled their eyes.
"I'm still of the opinion you could survive a direct nuclear strike and shrug it off," said Brok.
Human Steev laughed. "You're worried about me," they singsonged. "You don't have to, Kank. I'll be fine. Water starts to boil at a hundred Fahrenheit. That's only thirty-eight celcius. Not that bad compared to one hundred celcius, which is two hundred and twelve in the old freedom units."
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