Challenge #04398-L014: Panic Mitigation

My dear human friend, would you kindly stop moving for just a few moments? I know you are uncomfortable, but if I don't get this spike out of your leg, properly, you could very well bleed it, it's far too close to the artery. -- Anon Guest

Panic has many modes, and few of them are rational. Further, few could be expected to act rationally when pierced through a major limb with something long and sharp. The accident that caused it had been startling enough, but the injury was far, far worse.

When it came to fight, flight, fawn, or freeze, Human Zeen defaulted to 'flight'. Not apparently realising that she couldn't run away from something embedded in her own body.

The rest of the crew - those able to withstand the sight of blood - had to corner Zeen and kettle her in. She was not capable of understanding, deep in her panic, that they were trying to help. She was not capable of recognising them as friends.

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