Challenge #04395-L011: Standing Out? Outstanding!

The bullies tricked the person into consuming something the person was severely allergic to. The mage that saved the person got pissed, and taught the bullies why such behavior was a BAD idea. -- Anon Guest

Orleth the Incredulous was minding her own business when she found the kid wheezing and turning red as their hands and face began swelling up. Some quick work with an antitoxin spellwork brought them the ability to breathe again. Orleth stayed nearby and offered her arms for comfort.

When they were done crying, they explained, "The mean boys said they were sorry for all they'd done at me. They got me a li'l cake for a pology." Sniff. "And they runned off when I started gasping."

Orleth tangentially knew this child as Pebble, one of the village kids. No parents or guardians, and eking out their existence by spending most of their small life in other family's barns. Doing small jobs for smaller rewards. Occasionally digging their meals out of the village midden. "Show me these mean boys," she said.

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