Challenge #04367-K349: Too Cold to Hurt

The one thing about being too cold is that, when you're badly hurt, and your crewmates are trying hard to get you to safety, and get you help, it's not so bad. One the cold numbs the pain a bit and two, it slows down your system, giving them more time. At least you know... you may just make it this time. -- Anon Guest

Cold... hurts. It aches the muscles and creeps into bones. Grinding joints along the way. Thing is... that doesn't quite hurt as much as -say- a close to fatal wound.

Humans can survive a lot of things that would kill a lot of cogniscents. Babies and children can survive drowning in icy water so long as they're resuscitated while they're still being warmed up. Adult Humans... have better odds if they're just cold. Not frozen. Just... too cold to shiver.

Which is, in itself, pretty close to dying.

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