Challenge #04309-K291: Oathbound Help

The human made a Heart-Sworn Oath that, as long as they lived, no matter who it was, they would help them. Then came the day one of the ones that cruelly bullied them for being kind to the unwelcome came for aid. But an Oath does not care if the person was a bully. The bully was shocked when this person also refused to break their word. -- Anon Guest

[AN: In my personal experience, bullies tend to crow about taking advantage of their victims. I have begun to believe they don't understand feeling shame for their actions]

Her first patient had been a halfbred the others hated because he was a halfbreed. His genes made him small and slender, and therefore an instant target to the bigger and burlier kids. She patched him up with herbal leaves and helped him to the temple of Lenus, the god of health and healing.

It was there that she got praised for her efforts. It was their that she gave her heartfelt oath to the deity in question.

Every hour she had, Molli devoted herself to learning how to heal. Bandages. Salves. Potions. How to diagnose illness. How to prevent, treat, or cure disease. As she grew, there was one common factor. Molli never turned away a patient in need. No matter what they were.

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