Challenge #04282-K264: Trust Issues

They wandered the land, traveling mostly at night. When they found those enslaved, or were runaway slaves, they only asked one question. "Will you trust me enough to take you somewhere safe?" They took those willing to follow to a village that shattered the shackles, broke off the collars, and taught those once enslaved how to live free. The first lesson? "Think for yourself, and never let anyone force you to do that which you do not wish to." -- Anon Guest

It took quite some time for intelligent species on Alfarell to realise that slavery was a bad idea. Many defend the practice based on the sunk cost fallacy, superiority complexes, and generally not recognising their slaves as intelligent creatures.

Those who had power over others are truly reluctant to let that power go.

Two things are certain: nobody ever asks to be enslaved, and no slave ever gains their freedom with good manners and servility. Short of bloody revolution, there's few ways to gain freedom. Not without help.

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