Challenge #04278-K260: Acid Test

Many places that cater to multiple customers deal with a knomira sooner or later. To prepare the staff, the owner hires others of many races, including humans, to come in pretending to be knomiras to help the staff train for such an eventuality. Security is, of course, informed ahead of time about the test, as are medics, just in case. The staff, however, are not. -- Anon Guest

Sooner or later, one of those customers blow in. The staff never know the full story, why they're like that, or how frustrating their day has been up to that minute. What they do know is that a phenominal number of them are Dereggers. Specifically, Dereggers who have been thrown aside for a younger, prettier, and more docile model.

There are others that break that mould, but they are significantly rarer.

Centuries ago, before Humanity shattered its own history and scattered to the stars, there was a concept called the secret shopper. Their existence was to test customer service at various franchises. The idea persisted, or was reborn, the instant Knomiras became a presence in Galactic Society.

All the training in the universe cannot prepare for the real deal.

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