Challenge #04277-K259: Kharmic Realignment in Progress

The good lucker learns a painful lesson about pushing their luck to the extreme. In this case, when things really hit the fan? Even they end up hurt. First time in their life. Then comes the question, if I have a bad lucker tied to my good luck, does everyone? Sad thing is, the jerk takes quite a while to learn their lesson. -- Anon Guest

Some people, they say, have all the luck. They never say what sort it is. For some, it's the wrong sort. If they catch a break, it's bound to be one of their own bones. Luck is never in their favour. They're life's losers.

And then one with all the bad luck found their match.

It was the opposite of the romance most people might expect. Lucker Dov was determined to make Lucker Kash pay for every atom of his hubris. With a pound of flesh, for preference. Ideally washed down with a pint of his blood. If ze was going to suffer, then Kash was going to suffer with hir.

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