Challenge #04264-K246: Thanks Enough

Despite your aversions, you did this... for me?

"All life is precious, but, I knew you could not survive on plants."

And for my children.

"You were ill, I'm just glad my poor skills were enough."

Thank you. You're the first human I've ever met that has ever been this kind.

"You're welcome, my friend." -- Lessons

Many omnivores who choose a herbivorous diet seem to believe that everything can subsist on a herbivorous diet. Those without the biology to do so merely lack determination and conviction of spirit. This philosophy is similar to those who believe that eating is merely a bad habit[1]. Though the latter example have resorted to experimenting on themselves, let us all be grateful on that count.

It was very rare to encounter such a voluntary herbivore willing to touch meat for other creatures, let alone prepare it for ease of digestion.

The last infant hatched just as Grirvess' fever broke, and Slaine just let a small fortune in Dragon's sweat pour into the earth. That was less important than her patients. One grown Dragon and a half-dozen meeping little blind Dragonlings.

Slaine was making her best plausible Dragon noises for the nestlings, piping mashed meat mixture into each hungry little maw. "Be with you in a moment," she said. "The little ones are needing me."

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