Challenge #04262-K244: Just Their Luck

The labs were heavily reinforced, padded, not a hard spot anywhere. One area had a couple of bad-luckers, almost as bad as it got. Another area had good luckers. The best genes possibly to find. Would gene therapy, donations from the good luckers help the bad luckers? And would some of the bad luck gene help the good luckers find some challenge in their life? These were all volunteers duly warned. Now it was time to begin. -- Anon Guest

[AN: The Luck Gene doesn't work like that]

Some people have all the luck. Depending on what kind of luck this is, that statement can be a blessing or a curse. Finding out why this is so is a topic of ongoing scientific fascination.

Unriddling the Luck Gene revealed no genetic difference between that in a Good Lucker and a Bad Lucker.

Despite the fact that retrogenetic therapy clearly would not work, they tried it anyway. Transferring the gene from Good Luckers to Bad Luckers. They took every precaution, working in labs set on a Havenworld. Housing their patients in monostructure housing that was abundantly padded. Food delivered, very carefully, by associated staff. Every precaution that could be taken, was taken.

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