Challenge #04254-K236: Cat Fishing

They were trying to reach into a vent after a lost tool. A skitty ran up and bit their arm. They pushed the skitty away and tried to reach again. The skitty attacked that arm again with teeth and claws. They backed up away from the skitty. Several sparks came from the vent. That skitty saved them from a lot worse injury. -- Anon Guest

Working on an old station has its charms. It has hazards to match, too. There's spaces that haven't had outside air flow in centuries. There's spaces that have their own weather. There's spaces that have their own ecosystems.

We contain viral outbreaks with vaccine drones. It's not just intelligent life that's at risk from those things.

In places like this, it can be dangerous to get complacent. Unfortunately, complacency is stupid-easy to acquire. Such as not really looking when putting tools back in the toolbelt when you're already up a scaffold.

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