Challenge #04244-K226: Downtrodden Uplifted

It was a havenworld. The inhabitants? Almost all Uplifts, former slaves that had been freed, and their therapists helping them recover. The protectors? Three, 2 - person teams of Pax Humanis members that worked on 8 hour rotations. When dereggers come to try to "claim a prize"... they find that it's not the claws of an Uplift they must worry about, but far deadlier fangs. -- Anon Guest

Gengineering should never be used to make toys. The more you think about that statement, the more ways a rational mind should agree with it.

That said, there's always someone who thinks they're special enough to ignore that kind of thing. That's why Uplifts exist.

Teratogenetically altered pets, made to be smart enough to understand consequences. Strong enough to serve their tailored purpose. Given enough bodily modifications to serve... whatever their owner decided upon. More often than not, that 'service' is in the bedroom. Uplifts, their owners know, are made to be used. Horrifyingly, a lot of the Uplifts know that too.

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