Challenge #04239-K221: The Secret of Sillies

Researchers from around the Alliance had been trying to get a bead on WHAT the cause for the human's sudden impromptu-parties called Silly Seasons. What they found astounded them.

The Alliance is very safety conscious, as well as conscious of absolutely anything that could cause offense. Leading to almost everything, save for human areas, to be mostly bland, soft, inoffensive grey. Simply put, the frequent outbreaks in some areas were humans being completely, and utterly, out of their heads with boredom. -- Guest

Public spaces in the Alliance are in shades of grey. The scientifically and socially derived least offensive colour known to civilisation. Nobody could be angry at it, it didn't get dingy[1], or look grimy with age. It could have a form of variety that could have any area looking any way from stylish to servicable.

Private spaces are adjusted by the inhabitant, but the default is grey. When an inhabitant moves, the space must return to greyness so the next inhabitant can customise it for themselves. So many don't bother changing them very much.

This was just normal. It had been normal for hundreds of years. And then the Humans turned up, bringing with them the mystery of Silly Season.

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