Challenge #04212-K194: Help From an Old God

Your hands are shaking, let me help you. First take off this mask. Then focus of breathing, and shoot.


After all, I am thou, thou art I.

I am Loki. Together we shall burn this unjust world to ash. -- Anon Guest

Sometimes, a swift and violent action is desperately necessary to improve the world. Sometimes, those with the inclination to do something lacks the strength, courage, or resources to do it.

If they're desperate enough, they are willing to call on anything for help.

Lee had largely made up the ritual. Scavenged all the things ze used for it. Performed it nightly until the one ze summoned actually answered. He was in colours of green, wearing a cloak of raven feathers. Staring at Lee with curiosity in eyes that had mourned the loss of too many children, and had also beheld the end of the world.

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